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When is it safe return to sport after a Concussion?

Updated: Oct 14, 2020

Dizziness, Balance & Concussion Centre - when is it safe to return to sport after a concussion?
When is it safe return to sport after a Concussion?

When is it safe return to sport after a Concussion?

That is a question I get asked a lot!

At present, the best way to know you have recovered after a concussion is to compare your current results to a baseline set of results taken before the season. Now, a baseline test is not just one computer-based test – research shows that is not sufficient – it is lots of extra tests on top of that, all as valid and important as the next. This collective picture gives a good baseline test to use if you suffer a concussion anytime in the next year.

Since the UK is far behind those in North America, baseline testing is not mainstream – so what can we do instead?

The next best thing is to take you through a concussion recovery protocol and then to test many factors of your vestibular-occular function alongside balance and other elements.

The key to getting an accurate picture is to do this AFTER you have exercised! And exercised to a high level with no symptoms. You are returning to playing sport, so the testing needs to make sure your brain after a concussion can cope with this.

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