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Dizziness and vertigo calculator

Try our FREE dizziness and vertigo handicap calculator.


It is a validated test which allows you to judge the impact and perceived disability dizziness and vertigo is having on your life. 


It helps to categorise the source and impact of your issues into physical, functional and emotional and is also useful for predicting if your issue is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).


The results are calculated instantly at the end of the test along with an explanation of how to interpret your results. Don't worry if the score is high - in the majority of case there are plenty of things which can be done to help your condition.


One of the best ways to use the calculator is to complete before your treatment starts and then every few weeks to see how you are progressing. 


Should you have any questions about your results, what the calculator means and how best to use it, just get in touch and we'll be happy to answer any questions and help guide your recovery.


You can reach the clinic via e-mail or call the clinic on 07401 842311 

What do the results mean? 


The result gives you a level of total perceived handicap caused by your dizziness or vertigo. 

0 =              No handicap 

0 - 30 =      Mild handicap

31 - 60 =    Moderate handicap

61 - 100 =  Severe handicap


The test has been validated, but always remember that tests like these do not tell the whole story. One persons moderate score of 32, may be someone elses score of 64 or 12. 


The best way to use your score is to guide the help you need and to retest yourself after treatment.


The sub-sections (emotional, physical, functional) illustrate the area of impact your condition is having on you. 


Emotional impact - Any condition has the power to cause issues with anxiety and depression and this is extremely common with dizziness and vertigo, often making your symptoms and condition worse. Talking to an experience vestibular therapist and/ or counselor can help when this score is particularly high. 


Physical and Functional - Suggests vestibular rehabilitation with an experienced therapist could be beneficial. The treatment programme needs to be tailored to your triggers and issues and progressed to meet your specific needs. 


A high BPPV predictor score can be useful in predicting the condition you are suffering from is BPPV. However, please bear in mind it is not a perfect test, but certainly if you have a high score here then BPPV should one of the first things assessed and treated. 


Should you have any questions about your results, what the calculator means and how best to use it, just get in touch and we'll be happy to answer any questions and help guide your recovery.


You can reach the clinic via e-mail or call the clinic on 07401 842311 

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